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Loaner Gear Fitting (indoors)

Our volunteers will be helping fit players with loaner equipment in the Cascade room at the Spartan rec center next Wednesday (1/29) from 5-8 pm.

Please contact for more details.

Parent Preseason Meeting!

Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7:00pm-8:00pm

Shoreline City Hall, Council Chambers
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

This meeting is open to all!

Spring 2025 Registration is OPEN!

Click the link below for more information.

Become a Lacrosse Official!

Girls Lacrosse WWLOA is our state's officials organization. Registration for 2024 season classes (returning and new HS/Youth officials) open:

Boys lacrosse WALOA is our state's officials organization. Registration for the 2024 season is now open for youth and HS officials at  

Additional incentives for officials from our club are available.  Shoreline/LFP has produced some wonderful officials in the past, but we need to replenish the ranks! It is rewarding work, not only financially but also as a lacrosse community member.  Please contact Coach Christy for information. 


Matt Sokolowski

Director of Boys Lacrosse

Phone: (206) 683-1929

Christy Neff

Christy Neff

Director of Girls Lacrosse

Phone: 206-383-5166

Fundraiser/Other payments

Payments for sticks, fundraiser items or tax deductible donations can be made by the following methods:  

  1. Cash or Personal check made out to: LFP-Shoreline Lacrosse
  2. Paypal via or use the QR code below
  3. Our Square site (for donations and sponsorships):
  4. Square card reader for in person  (tap/contactless) cc transactions.

It is helpful to include a note in the memo section or the Paypal note section indicating details of the sale.

Year round team store is open!

Five Things to Know About Sport Specialization

From USA Lacrosse, an in depth article about the hazards of youth sports specialization. Somethings to keep in mind as families decide on available activities, a wide variety is important for many reasons.

Chest Pad Requirement NOCSAE ND200

As of spring 2022 all youth and high school boys players and girls lacrosse goalies are required to use a chest protector that is compliant with the NOCSAE ND200 Heart Safe standard. 

USA Lacrosse has an information page here that includes the full standard flyer:

The site: contains a full list of compliant shoulder/chest protectors (look under the US Lacrosse section).  

2025 Youth Boys Practices start (5/6 and 7/8 grade teams)


High School Team Social


Our Featured Sponsors:

Thrive: Excellence in Sports Performance

Thrive: Excellence in Sports Performance


Become an Official!

WWLOA 2024 Classroom dates!